Escalating Violence in Iraq

Britain to cut thousands of troops in Iraq next year

Updated: 2006-11-28 10:58
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The United States has about 136,000 military personnel posted around the country.

Special coverage:
Escalating Violence in Iraq
Britain to cut thousands of troops in Iraq next year
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Britain to cut thousands of troops in Iraq next year

Browne outlined an accelerated exit strategy in which British troops train Iraqi forces, gradually transfer security responsibilities to them, and pull back forces while keeping rapid response teams ready if needed.

Admitting security was improving faster in some parts than others, he recalled that the army transferred control to Iraqi forces over the summer in Al-Muthanna and Dhi Qar, two of the four provinces in the British sector.

British forces have yet to hand over control in the provinces of Maysan and Basra, which includes the main southern city of Basra, as Browne suggested Iran was behind the security troubles there, but without mentioning it by name.

The problem in Basra, he said, was "rival Shia power blocs" were vying for control over an area that held major economic potential. "Regional powers sense this potential and its importance for the future of Iraq," he added.

Despite the troubles in the two other provinces, he said, Britain and Iraq hope Iraqi forces will be able to assume control over Maysan in January and Basra in the spring.

Meanwhile on Iran, Browne condemned Tehran's behavior in fueling violence in Iraq as "unacceptable" and "counter-productive," calling on Iran to become a constructive partner with the West or face greater isolation.
