US House Democrats unveil anti-war bill

Updated: 2007-02-13 08:47

In 2002, midterm elections were a month away and control of both chambers up for grabs when Congress held its most heated debates on whether to invade Iraq. Many did not want to be on the opposite side from a popular president if war came, and the White House played on domestic political concerns to roll up big margins of support in both houses.

After quarreling among themselves on Iraq over the summer, Republicans lined up dutifully behind Bush when the final votes were tallied. With the economy stagnant, consumer confidence shaken and the stock market in the dumps, the Iraq crisis offered a common rallying theme.

House Democrats were divided on the issue. Hoyer voted in favor of authorizing the war, whereas Nancy Pelosi , D-Calif., who has since risen to power as House speaker, voted against it. But overall, Democrats were eager to vote quickly and get back to their states and districts to campaign, hoping there was still time to change the subject back to domestic issues like prescription drugs and Social Security.

Ultimately, Bush prevailed by a 296-133 vote in the GOP-run House and a 77-23 vote in the Democratic-led Senate. Only six House Republicans and one GOP senator - Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island - voted against the president.

This time, midterm elections are again playing a role in the debate - but not in Bush's favor. Last November, Chafee and other Republicans were ousted by voters angered by the war. And with every House member up for re-election in 2008, Republicans are questioning whether to stick with a lame-duck president who has lost favor with the American public.

Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, one of 215 Republicans who voted to authorize force in Iraq, is now co-sponsoring the Democratic resolution condemning the troop buildup.

As the House moved toward debate this week, Senate Republicans opposed to Bush's Iraq plan sought to revive a vote on a similar resolution that was stalled by GOP procedural moves last week.

Sen. John Warner , R-Va., proposed Monday attaching his resolution to a must-pass budget bill. While Warner was considered unlikely to be successful, his proposal suggested he was not backing down.

"I, like my colleagues, intend to do everything in our power as United States senators to ensure a full and open debate of the Iraq war here on the Senate floor in front of the American people," said Sen. Chuck Hagel , R-Neb., who supports Warner's resolution.


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