Bush vows to veto Iraq troop withdrawal

Updated: 2007-04-28 15:51

"He will see it fully provides for our troops and gives them a strategy worthy of their sacrifices," Reid said. "Failing to sign this bill would deny our troops the resources and strategy they need."

The bill would provide $124.2 billion, more than $90 billion of which would go for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Democrats added billions more for domestic programs, and while most of the debate focused on the troop withdrawal issue, some of that extra spending also has drawn Bush's criticism.

The legislation requires a troop withdrawal to begin July 1 if Bush cannot certify that the Iraqi government is making progress in disarming militias, reducing sectarian violence and forging political agreements, otherwise by Oct. 1.

While the beginning of a withdrawal is mandated, the balance of the pullback is merely advisory, to take place by April 1, 2008. Troops could remain after that date to conduct counterterrorism missions, protect US facilities and personnel and train Iraqi security forces.

Abe was given the coveted invitation to the Camp David presidential retreat in part as a gesture of appreciation for Tokyo's commitment to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan is the largest financial contributor, after the United States, for the rebuilding effort in Iraq, and is the third largest contributor in Afghanistan. Japanese defense forces have conducted refueling operations for the US and coalition forces.

Abe expressed thanks "for the noble sacrifice the United States is making" in Iraq. On Thursday, the Japanese leader went to Arlington National Cemetery to pay respects to US war dead, and visited injured troops at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

"The president expressed his strong determination to carry through for the task of Iraq's reconstruction," Abe said. "And I told the president that Japan understands and supports US efforts for the stabilization and reconstruction of Iraq and Japan will carry on its own efforts to the same end."


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