
Wolfowitz appeals to board over his job

Updated: 2007-05-16 14:43
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The Bush administration found support only from Japan in a conference call of officials from Group of Seven industrial nations for a plan to separate consideration of Wolfowitz's ethics violations from credibility issues.

A G7 source said it was clear that most participants on the call wanted a quick resolution to a protracted and messy battle over whether Wolfowitz should stay on, step down or be fired.

The G7 countries - Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Britain, the United States and Japan - are the bank's biggest funders and dominate its decision making.

In his statement to the board, Wolfowitz said the past month had been personally difficult for him and for Riza, who had been publicly ridiculed.

While the Bush administration has been steadfast in its support for Wolfowitz, on Tuesday it opened the door to his potential departure and hinted at the possibility the World Bank's credibility might outweigh his continued tenure.

European critics have maintained since early April, when the crisis first exploded into the open, that the bank's credibility and effectiveness are at risk.

"I know some people may get some short-term satisfaction out of finding that I engaged in wrongdoing," Wolfowitz said. "I hope that none of you feels that way, but if you do, I ask you to stop and think about the long-term interests of the bank."

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