Ariane 5 rocket puts British, Brazilian satellites into orbit

Updated: 2007-11-15 14:51


Ariane 5 European rocket blasting off. An Ariane 5 rocket blasted off on Friday and put into orbit British and Brazilian telecommunications satellites, Arianespace said. [Agencies] 

KOUROU, French Guiana - An Ariane 5 rocket blasted off here on Friday and put into orbit British and Brazilian telecommunications satellites, Arianespace said.

The rocket, the 35th launch of an Ariane 5 and the fifth this year, lifted off at 2206 GMT and successfully placed the satellites, for the British Ministry of Defence and Brazil's Star One operator, into geostationary orbit.

Skynet 5B will provide secure telecommunications to the British armed forces, NATO and other countries using previous Skynet satellites.

The other satellite, Star One C1, is the seventh launched by Ariane for Brazil. It will provide telecommunications services in Latin America.

The launch, originally set for November 9, had to be delayed twice due to technical problems.


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