Suicide bomb kills 6 in western Iraq

Updated: 2007-11-21 23:05

Earlier, the US military said an investigation was under way, but initial reports indicated it was not due to hostile fire.

The US put the total number of injured at 12 and did not specify the severity of injuries.

Violence has declined sharply in Iraq in recent months, due in part to stepped up U.S. military activity, a decision by the biggest Shiite militia to suspend operations and the Sunni Arab revolt against al-Qaida in Iraq.

The US general in charge of training and equipping Iraqi forces said that overall, Iraq's security situation is "better than it has been in previous months."

"It's certainly much better than earlier this year," said Lt. Gen. James Dubik, commander of Multi-National Security Transition Command.

"But this is an enemy that is cunning, ruthless and desirous to figure out another way to re-engender violence and steal away security gains from the Iraqi people," Dubik told reporters in the US-guarded Green Zone.

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