US envoy arrives in DPRK to inspect nuclear disablement

Updated: 2007-12-03 15:39

"I'm hoping that... as we get through this phase, we have something we need to get through including a good declaration," he said.

"We've been working very hard to complete our obligations, and hope that in a year await which is... the last year of the Bush administration, we can complete the process," said Hill.

"That will be a very dramatic improvement in the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and we can begin the process of bringing DPRK into the international community and completing the normalization of ties with US," Hill said, adding "that can only be done in the context of complete denuclearization."

According to a six-party talks joint document released in Beijing on October 3, the DPRK agreed to disable all the existing nuclear facilities and provide a complete and correct declaration of all its nuclear programs by the end of this year.

The document said the disablement of the five-megawatt Experimental Reactor, the Reprocessing Plant (Radiochemical Laboratory) and the Nuclear Fuel Rod Fabrication Facility in Yongbyon would be completed by December 31.

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