Zimbabwe to hold presidential run-off on June 27

Updated: 2008-05-16 19:56

HARARE  -- The Zimbabwe electoral commission said on Friday that the presidential run-off  of the country will be held on June 27.  

A notice in a government gazette said, "A poll shall be taken on Friday the 27th June, 2008, for the purpose of electing a person to the office of president."

The March 29 election failed to produce an outright winner and Zimbabweans will have to vote again to choose between President Robert Mugabe, who has ruled the southern African country since the independence in 1980, and Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the majority wing of the Movement for Democratic Change.

Zimbabwe's ruling Zanu-PF party announced on Wednesday that it will launch its campaign for the presidential election run-off as soon as the Zimbabwe electoral commission sets the date for the poll.

The party's information and publicity sub-committee chairman Patrick Chinamasa told journalists that ZANU-PF had put in place the necessary strategies and was confident of winning, according to local media New Ziana.

The campaign would be held under the theme "100 percent empowerment: Total Independence."

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