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10 bodies from crashed Yemeni airliner found along coast

Xinhua | Updated: 2009-07-08 13:21

STONE TOWN, Tanzania: It has been confirmed that 10 bodies of the passengers of the ill-fated Yemeni airliner have been found floating in the water of the eastern Tanzania coast, Xinhua learned on Tuesday.

The bodies found near Mafia Island of Tanzania include four women, two girls and four men, while most of the bodies are in bad conditions and some of them have lost part of their bodies, according to report from Mafia parliamentarian Abdulkadir Shaha Buji, who is currently attending parliament session in Dodoma.

Some remains of the plane were also found along with the bodies, and more bodies are expected to be recovered from the shore of Mafia island, the report added.

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Security Committee of Mafia island has confirmed to the recovery of the bodies to higher authorities and are waiting for the permission for the burial of the bodies, Shaha Buji was quoted as saying.

He further said police are undertaking investigation to make sure if they could find more bodies on the area as the bad weather is making the task difficult.

Only one passenger out of the 153 people on board has been confirmed to survive the crash after the Yemeni Airbus plunged into the sea off the Indian Ocean archipelago of Comoros on June 30.

A signal from the plane's flight recorders have been detected but it could take some time to reach the wreck as it is in deep water, according to rescue teams.

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