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Israeli forces attack aid flotilla, 16 dead

Updated: 2010-05-31 13:45
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Israeli forces attack aid flotilla, 16 dead
Palestinians ride aboard boats in a preparation for the arrival of a convoy of ships to Gaza's Seaport, May 30, 2010. [Agencies]

JERUSALEM -- Israeli forces on Monday attacked an international flotilla carrying aid to besieged Gaza, killing at least sixteen people, an Israeli television reported.

A human rights organization Free Gaza Movement also said clashes happened between an international aid flotilla bound for Gaza and Israeli navy, causing several casualties.

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Israeli commandos dropped from a helicopter onto the deck of a Turkish ship at about 4:30 a.m. and immediately opened fire on unarmed civilians.

Israel Defense Forces spokesman's office cannot confirm the report at the press time.

Live image from the flotilla shows that Israeli soldiers from the helicopter and a number of speedboats boarded one of the ships at night. Activists wearing life vests were treating what appeared to be injuries for unknown reasons.

Israeli navy on Sunday night sighted the pro-Palestinian "Freedom Flotilla" bound for the Gaza Strip and ordered the convoy to dock at an Israeli harbor.

Troops boarded the flotilla and clashed with the activists after they ignored Israeli orders to turn back, Turkey's NTV reported Monday.

The flotilla of six ships set sail from a port in Cyprus on Sunday and was expected to reach Gaza by Monday morning, Al-Jazeera reported.

The flotilla, originally made up of nine ships from Turkey, Britain, Ireland, Greece, Kuwait and Algeria, were carrying around 10,000 tons of aid including cement, water purification systems and wheelchairs. One of the ships had not arrived and two others had been damaged.

Israeli forces attack aid flotilla, 16 dead
Palestinian youths throw stones towards an Israeli police vehicle during a protest against a building lived in by Jewish settlers in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan May 30, 2010. [Agencies]