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Iran's SNSC responds to UN sanction resolution

Updated: 2010-06-18 19:39
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TEHRAN - Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) issued Friday a declaration in response to a recent UN Security Council sanction resolution against the country, the local satellite channel Press TV reported.

"Contrary to all expectations, the resolution has focused on Iran's nuclear program, without so much as a word about the Israeli regime's criminal activities and its attack on the Freedom Flotilla convoy carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip," the declaration by SNSC was quoted as saying.

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The declaration added that the UN resolution ignored the 11 proposals put forward by Iran during the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference held last month, which had been welcomed by world countries.

"The council takes issue against the adoption of the resolution, particularly since it came despite constructive cooperation and the release of a new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency confirming the non-diversion of Iran's nuclear material for the 22nd consecutive time," it said.

According to the SNSC, the resolution is based on "baseless accusations" and ignores positive steps taken by Iran, such as the Tehran declaration whereby the country agreed to send 1,200 kg of its low-enriched uranium to Turkey in return for the 20-percent enriched fuel it requires for producing medical isotopes at the Tehran Research Reactor, the report said.

"This clearly shows that Washington's commitment to Israeli security will never allow UN Security Council to fulfill its obligations with regards to securing the safety and the rights of different nations," the statement noted.

The council also said that UN Security Council interference in Tehran's nuclear case was "illegal" from the start as it defies the human rights article 39 and the IAEA, according to the report.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran will respond fittingly to any attempt to violate the legal and legitimate rights of the Iranian nation," the statement added.

On June 9, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution to impose a fourth round of sanctions against Iran over its suspected nuclear program, which caused sharp reactions from Iranian officials.