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Iran makes light of Clinton's words on missile defense shield

Updated: 2010-07-05 10:18
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TEHRAN - Iran's foreign minister Sunday dismissed recent remarks by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on missile defense shield, saying "people in the region and in the whole world do not take her comments very seriously," the local satellite Press TV reported.

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Manouchehr Mottaki's statement was a response to Clinton's remarks saying missile defense shield agreement between the United States and Poland aimed at countering the Iranian threat, the report said.

Poland and the United States Saturday signed an agreement to deploy anti-missile shield on Polish soil.  

Clinton said in a joint press conference with the Poland's Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski that the projects will protect the Europeans from Iran's possible missiles threats.

The US-Poland missile defense deal is an issue between the United States and Russia, Mottaki said according to the report. He added that he recommended the two states settle the case peacefully.