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Egypt did not receive entry request for Gaza-bound aid ship

Updated: 2010-07-11 10:26
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SINAI, Egypt - A senior official said Saturday that Egyptian authorities have not yet received any request for access of a Libyan Gaza-bound aid ship to the port of el-Arish in northern Sinai.

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Gamal Abdel Maqsoud, the port director, told Xinhua that till the moment his administration has not received requests from any official side to allow the aid ship dock at the port.

Meanwhile, the Egyptian official said el-Arish port is ready to receive any aid ship on the condition of getting necessary approvals prior and meeting the requirements of docking at the port.

On Friday, a Libyan charity, headed by the son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, announced that it is sending a ship carrying food and medicine to Gaza from the Greek port of Lavrio.

Israel has increased diplomatic pressure to stop the ship from sailing, including sending a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki- moon, Greek officials and diplomats from Moldova whose flag will be carried on the ship.