Odd News

NZ teenager survives fall from 16th storey balcony

Updated: 2010-07-26 11:32
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WELLINGTON - A 15-year-old New Zealand boy has survived with minor injuries after falling 16-storeys from the balcony of his family's apartment onto a concrete floor, New Zealand media reported on Monday.

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The New Zealand Herald said the teenager fell about 50 metres off the balcony, dropping through a car park roof that may have broken his fall before he hit the concrete. Another tenant raised the alarm after seeing the boy fall past his window.

The newspaper said medical experts were amazed that the boy survived as few people managed to live if they plunged from more than five storeys.

The teenager was described as in a stable condition in an Auckland hospital with a broken wrist, broken rib, gashed leg and internal injuries, the New Zealand Herald reported.

"God must have been with him. He's got an angel looking after him, that's for sure," housekeeper Kaa Wehi, who was working in the building at the time, told the newspaper.