
Pakistan welcomes Chinese assistance for flood victims

Updated: 2010-08-04 08:21
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Pakistan’s Ambassador to China, Masood Khan has said the assistance of 10 million yuan provided by the Chinese government for the flood affected people of Pakistan is a timely gesture from a close friend and dear brother, for which we are extremely grateful to the people and Government of China.

In the coming days, modalities for the relief assistance by China will be worked out.

Ambassador Masood Khan said that China has always stood by Pakistan in challenging situations. “The people of Pakistan are touched by Chinese people’s caring attitude and strong solidarity during these difficult times”, he said.

China’s Ministry of Commerce had earlier suggested that Chinese people and companies in Pakistan closely monitor the flood situation and take precautionary measures to protect their property.

Ambassador Masood Khan said that all national resources had been mobilized for rescue and relief operations. The armed forces of Pakistan, as well as civilian administration, were working hard for mitigating the sufferings of the people. Today, he said, Pakistan is also launching an appeal for international assistance.