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Iran says not to abandon its nuclear rights

Updated: 2010-09-05 23:09
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TEHRAN - Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast reiterated Sunday that Iran will not bow to pressures meant to discourage the country from pursuing its nuclear rights, the English language Press TV reported.

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"The sanctions and resolutions are illegal approaches as our nation is being tried for a crime it has not committed," Mehmanparast was quoted as saying.

Tehran will continue to pursue the "nation's basic (nuclear) rights and not to renounce (them) in the face of pressures," said the spokesman.

The latest UN Security Council (UNSC) sanctions or resolutions against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program are not welcomed, he said.

The spokesman's remarks came amid Japan cabinet's unilateral sanctions approved Friday against Iran whereby assets of figures linked to Iran's nuclear program would be frozen. Tighter restrictions on financial transactions would be adopted and new oil and gas investments in Iran would be suspended.

Japan's move followed unilateral sanctions by some Western countries and UNSC resolution in June which slapped a fourth set of sanctions on Iran over its refusal to halt uranium enrichment work.