
Huntsman joins US presidential race

Updated: 2011-06-15 09:25
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Huntsman joins US presidential race

Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman speaks at an event hosted by Thomson Reuters in New York, June 14, 2011. Huntsman will announce his bid for the White House next Tuesday, bringing a moderate Republican and expert on America's fastest growing competitor into the race to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012.[Photo/Agencies]

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire - Officials say that former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, a former US ambassador to China, is running for president.

They say that Huntsman, who served as a diplomat under President Barack Obama, will officially join the field of Republicans hoping to defeat Obama in the 2012 election and will announce it June 21.

Huntsman was expected to suggest as much later Tuesday at an appearance in New York.

The officials familiar with Huntsman's thinking disclosed the plans to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity because the schedule was not yet public.

Huntsman's entry has been expected since he left his ambassador's post in the spring. Since then, he's been visiting early primary and caucus states and putting together a campaign.

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