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Bashir calls for positive ties with S Sudan

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-07-09 21:59

JUBA - Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said Khartoum recognized South Sudan after the African country declared its independence on Saturday, asserting "the will of the people of the south must be respected."

"We congratulate our brothers in the South on the occasion of the establishment of their new state," the president said.

Bashir pointedly called in his speech marking the independency ceremony for building positive and distinguishing relations and ties binding Sudan and South Sudan.

The Sudanese leader paid tribute to John Garang, the late rebel leader who signed the peace deal with the north, which paved the way for the nationhood.

Bashir also praised mediatory efforts have been exerting by African countries and the international community.

He called U.S. President Barack Obama, who said the U.S. formally recognized the new state, to lift sanctions imposed on Sudan.

Bashir arrived in Juba earlier Saturday to join a host of heads of state and foreign dignitaries and officials, including UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

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