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French FM confirms contacts with Libyan govt

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-07-12 16:47

PARIS - French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe confirmed on Tuesday contacts with the Libyan government to negotiate terms of Muammar Gaddafi's leave, a local radio reported.

"Effectively there are contacts but not a real negotiation," the minister told France Info.

"We receive envoys who say Gaddafi is ready to go, let's discuss it," he added.

Juppe's remarks came as Libyan leader Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam told the Algerian El Khabar newspaper that direct negotiations were held between the Libyan leader and France.

On Monday, the French Foreign Ministry said the country has made indirect contact with Gaddafi regime, but denied any direct talks between the two sides.

France, which took the initiative in launching air strikes against forces loyal to Gaddafi, asked Libyan rebels to hold talks with pro-Gaddafi forces in a bid to stop foreign miltary operation which went on into its fourth month since the end of March.

Unrest and demonstrations spread out to Libya from neighboring states of Tunisia and Egypt as the mass asked Gaddafi to leave power after more than four decades of rule.

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