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Plane to carry Mubarak to Cairo lands in Sharm El-Sheikh

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-08-03 09:31

CAIRO - A plane that will carry former President Hosni Mubarak to Egyptian capital Cairo where he stands trial landed in Sharm el Sheikh late Tuesday, local security and medical sources said.

The small plane is expected to carry Mubarak directly to the venue of his trial in Cairo early morning on Wednesday, according to the sources in the hospital where Mubarak is under treatment.

The trial of Mubarak, his two sons, ex-interior minister Habib Adli and six police officers will start on Wednesday in the Police Academy in Cairo.

The opening session will be short and procedural, the state TV said. Mubarak faces charges of ordering to use live ammunition to quell anti-government protests in January which led the ouster of the veteran president.

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