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Libyan TV shows footage of Khamis Gadhafi

Agencies | Updated: 2011-08-10 19:36

BERLIN - Libyan state television showed on Tuesday what it said was footage of Muammar Gadhafi's son Khamis, who rebels said last week had been killed, visiting Libyans wounded in an air attack east of Tripoli.

The Libyan government has denied rebel claims that Khamis, commander of one of Gadhafi's most loyal and best-equipped units, had been killed by a NATO air strike near Zlitan.  

Libyan TV said the footage was recorded on Tuesday. If genuine, it would be the first visual proof by Gadhafi's government that Khamis Gadhafi was still alive.

Wearing a military uniform and an orange beret and bearing a striking resemblance to Khamis, a man was heard chatting to people the network said were wounded earlier on Tuesday in a NATO air strike on farmhouses near Zlitan.

The government said dozens of civilians were killed in the attack. NATO said it hit a legitimate military target and was investigating the incident.

"They bombed the house. You mean you did not expect to be bombed," Khamis could be heard asking a woman lying in a hospital bed.


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