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Two killed in terrorist attack in Algeria

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-08-18 09:47

ALGIERS - A driver of a local police chief and a road transport operator in Algeria's northern province of Tizi Ouzou were killed in an ambush on Wednesday morning by a terrorist group, Algerian official news agency APS quoted a security source as saying.

Two killed in terrorist attack in Algeria
The source said a terrorist group set an ambush at around 11 am (1000 GMT) Wednesday on a road heading to Beni Aissa, six km east of Tizi Ouzou city, shot the car of the local police chief of Beni Douala and killed the driver.

A bus driver passing by was injured and died from injuries in the hospital.

The police chief survived the attack, the source said.

The source mentioned that the terrorist group which plotted this attack is likely the same which clashed on Tuesday with police services in Beni Douala.

On Sunday, 29 people were injured during a suicide bombing that targeted a police station in downtown Tizi Ouzou.

The North African country faced an increasing threat by Islamist militants since the 1990s. The security situation in Algeria has been significantly improved in recent years since the government adopted the national reconciliation policy and stepped up military strikes.

However, terrorist attacks against the army and police still occur frequently in some regions of the country.

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