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Iraq recognizes Libya's National Transitional Council

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-08-23 22:31

BAGHDAD - The Iraqi government on Tuesday announced its recognition of Libya's National Transitional Council as the only legitimate representative of Libya.

"The Council of Ministers decided on August 23, 2011 to recognize the Libyan National transitional Council as the legitimate and the only representative for the Libyan people," the government said in a brief statement posted on the Iraqi Foreign Ministry's website.

Earlier in the day, Iraqi parliament speaker Osama al-Nujaifi hailed the "Libyan revolution" and warned of foreign interference.

He also urged the Libyan people to protect the results of their revolution which he said did not come by a "paved and passable way, but through tremendous sacrifices."

Meanwhile, Nujaifi warned that the Libyans have to be aware of interference of the foreign countries whose warplanes participated in the air strikes against Muammar Gaddafi's troops.

"The Libyans have to be aware not to let those countries to bypass their mandate stated by the United Nation Security Council in protecting civilians," Nujaifi said.

The Iraqi government's recognition and Nujaifi's comments came as Libyan rebels declared control of most parts of the country's capital Tripoli while Gaddafi's whereabouts remained a mystery.

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