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Gadhafi says NATO unable to continue

Agencies/Xinhua | Updated: 2011-09-20 21:19

CAIRO - Libya's fallen leader Muammar Gadhafi said the system of rule he set up was based on the people's will and could not be removed, speaking in a recorded message broadcast on Tuesday.

In the audio message carried by Syrian-based Arrai television, he also said NATO's planes would not be able to continue their operations in Libya.

"The political system in Libya is a system based on the power of the people ... and it is impossible that this system be removed," he said. "The bombs of NATO planes will not last."

Al-Rai portrays itself as a channel of resistance. Its owner, Mishan al-Jaburi, was a Saddam Hussein loyalist.

Al-Jaburi defected to Syria before the Iraq war in 2003. He returned to Iraq after Hussein fell and joined a reconciliation council but was implicated in a corruption case involving millions of dollars, and he was suspected of funding the Iraqi insurgency.

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