Patting the cats

Updated: 2011-10-23 08:52

By Andrew Sun (China Daily)

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Patting the cats

Salmoni is eager to spread his animal conversation message. Provided to China Daily

In World's Deadliest Towns (now airing), Salmoni goes to three locations in India and Africa where animal and human are in deadly conflict. "Yes, they are great stories but I can't say these shoots were fun. They are heartbreaking, deep and heavy. They're real problems," he admits.

"People accuse me of being an adrenaline junkie but it's the furthest thing from my mind. I would love it if my passion were bunny rabbits. Then I can have that love for animal and never worry about being killed. But my curiosity is for predators. By their nature they're dangerous."

In the process, the 36-year-old has became something of a TV sex symbol. He was one of People Magazine's sexiest bachelors in 2009. This past year, the king of reality TV Mark Burnett tapped Salmoni to host the adventure race programme, Expedition Impossible.

But fame has its price. Salmoni's relationship and break-up with talkshow host Chelsea Handler made him tabloid fodder. More embarrassing, on a Tyra Banks Halloween show, he was forced to wear a skimpy Tarzan loincloth for her primarily female audience.

"Four minutes before the show, they give me this costume," he recalls. "At that point, I could make a stink or just not take myself seriously and laugh it off.

"I want to reach as many people as I can with my animal conservation message, so if that means a photo shoot with a tiger and my shirt off, I'm fine with it."

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