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Over 100 killed in Nigeria bomb attacks

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-11-05 22:37

DAMATURU, Nigeria - Officials at the Damaturu General Hospital told Xinhua that over 100 dead bodies were lying at the morgue as of Saturday noon.

The hospital officials said relatives of the deceased have been trooping to the hospital to identify the victims.

A press conference by the state Police Commissioner Sulaimon Lawal set for 12:00 local time was postponed, as the security operatives in the state were said to be making frantic efforts to curtail further attacks by the dreaded sect.

Gunmen suspected to be members of the Boko Haram on Friday launched bloody bomb attack in Damaturu, capital of northeast Yobe State.

Six bombs went off in different parts of the town, the main targets being the 360 Housing Estate, the Anti-Terrorism Squad office and the Police headquarters.

At least one church - St Mary's Catholic Church - was burnt by the rampaging men. The parish priest was reportedly taking refuge at a police station. Gun shots shook the town for much of last night, forcing residents to stay indoors.

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