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Big rally in Cairo ahead of historic polls

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-11-18 19:36

CAIRO - Thousands of people gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday morning with different demands as Egypt is to hold its first parliamentary elections this month after former president Hosni Mubarak's fall in February.

After the prayers, more citizens are expected to join the demonstration in the square, the epicenter of the mass anti-government protests on January 25 which led to the fall of Mubarak's regime.

The protesters are opposing the constitution principles or the military rule.

Political parties or groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, the April 6 movement and Salafist groups, have said they would participate in the rally.

On Thursday, at least 29 people were injured as about 100 Coptic Christians clashed with residents in a neighborhood in Cairo.

The latest protests raise concerns about the security and stability of the country ahead of its historic polls.

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