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Egyptian Islamist forces win 60% of votes

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-12-04 11:18

CAIRO - Egypt's first stage parliamentary elections saw Islamist forces winning around 60 percent of votes, the official news agency MENA reported Saturday.

Islamist forces, represented mainly by Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party and the Salafist's el-Nour Party, were followed by the Egyptian Bloc, Al-Wasat Party, liberal Al-Wafd Party and the Revolution Continues Alliance, MENA reported, without saying how it obtained the results.

The Egyptian Bloc includes Free Egyptians Party, Al-Tagammu Party and the Egyptian Social Democratic Party.

The exact results have not been officially released by the High Judicial Elections Commission.

The turnout in the first stage elections reached 62 percent, the High Judicial Elections Commission Chairman Abdel-Moez Ibrahim announced on Friday. He did not announce details, saying the full results might be published on the commission's website on Saturday night.

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