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Egyptian new PM completes cabinet line-up

Xinhua | Updated: 2011-12-06 14:45

CAIRO - Egyptian Prime Minister Kamal al- Ganzouri has completed the line-up of the new cabinet, state TV reported Monday.

Ganzouri has appointed the interior minister but will not announce the whole line-up till Wednesday, when the new cabinet would be sworn in, according to the report.

The formation of the new cabinet was expected to be completed on Saturday. It has been postponed as Ganzouri need time to reconsider some ministerial nominees.

Some ministers of Essam Sharaf's cabinet will retain their posts while several young representatives are likely to be included in the new government, the new prime minister has said.

Hussein Tantawi, head of the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, appointed Ganzouri as the new prime minister on November 25 to form a national salvation government, to replace the caretaker cabinet led by Essam Sharaf, who resigned due to days of violent protests against the government and the military rule.

Ganzouri led the Egyptian government under the Mubarak regime from January 1996 to October 1999. He was one of the major designers of the economic reforms which started in 1991.

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