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Kenya says ready to work with Egypt's govt

Xinhua | Updated: 2012-01-11 08:50

NAIROBI - The Kenyan government said on Tuesday it was ready to work with Egypt's new administration which came into power after the ouster of Hosni Mubarak early last year.

Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka assured visiting Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr that Kenya is ready to work with the new Egyptian administration for the benefit of peace and prosperity of the African continent.

"Kenya is ready to work with Egypt to ensure stability of not only Egypt but Africa and the Arab world," Musyoka said in Nairobi during a meeting with Amr.

Musyoka lauded the country's new constitution that has reduced the Presidential term, saying that such move will allow leaders to vacate office with respect and dignity of a statesman.

Musyoka assured that Kenya will play her role as a member state of Nile Basin, noting that the basin is critical in the economies of many countries.

The Vice President invited more tourists and investors from Egypt, saying Kenya remains a safe investment destination in the region.

The Egyptian Minister hailed the cordial relationship existing between Kenya and Egypt and called for increased trade and investment for the benefit of the two people.

Amr briefed Musyoka on his country's road map to civilian rule. He said already elections for the Lower House have taken place resulting in the election of 450 members. He added that elections for the Upper House are ongoing and soon after the country will draw up a national committee to write the country's new constitution.

"The Constitution is expected to limit Presidential term to two terms of four years each," Amr said, adding that when the new Constitution is in place, the country will then go for Presidential poll thus completing the transition to civilian rule.

The Egyptian minister revealed that his country has set aside funds under the newly established Egyptian Mission for Economic Development, which will benefit several African countries including Kenya.

"The funding will finance projects in the energy sector, agriculture, irrigation, capacity building and training among other areas of social and economic spheres," he said.

Amr was scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Raila Odinga, and later flies out to Tanzania as part of the tour of the Nile Basin Member States. The minister was accompanied by Assistant Minister for Nile Basin Affairs, Magydy Amer.

The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), a partnership among the Nile riparian states endorsed in 1999, seeks to develop the river in a cooperative manner, share substantial socio-economic benefits, and promote regional peace and security, involving all riparian countries.

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