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Ethiopia condemns Eritrea for involvement in attack

Xinhua | Updated: 2012-01-19 09:40

ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopia has accused Eritrea of involving in the attack on tourists in its northern region that left five dead and several others injured or kidnapped.

In a press statement on Wednesday, the Ethiopian government has announced that on January 16, a group of 22 tourists travelling in the Afar Regional State, northern Ethiopia bordering Eritrea, were attacked by gunmen, in which five were killed and several others injured or kidnapped.

"It was an act of open terrorism resulting in the death of five people with others injured and kidnapped. Those killed were two Germans, two Hungarians and an Austrian. The injured included an Italian, a Hungarian and two Germans. Three Ethiopians were also kidnapped," said the press statement.

The Government of Ethiopia said it expresses its deep condolences to the families of those killed in the cruel attack and it would do everything possible to have those kidnapped released as soon as possible.  

The Ethiopian government accused the Eritrean government of involvement in the incident.  

"It is already clear that the attack was carried out with the direct involvement of the Eritrean Government. There is concern that the people who have been kidnapped might have been taken across the border into Eritrea," the statement said.

"On previous occasions, when tourists have been kidnapped, the Eritrean government had tried to use the prisoners as a bargaining chip in its diplomatic activities," said the statement.  

The Ethiopian government also said that the act is intended to coincide with the upcoming 18th Africa Union Summit due to be held in late January in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.

"Indeed, this is an indication of the failure of the international community to rein in the regime. The Government of Ethiopia believes that this terrorist act is intended to coincide with the upcoming African Union Summit being held in Addis Ababa at the end of the month," it said.

It recalled that it was almost exactly a year ago that a major bombing plot was foiled in Addis Ababa, intended to disrupt the African Union Summit last January.

The Ethiopian Government's tolerance towards a regime that openly supports terrorist activity is inevitably wearing thinner by the day. "The Government cannot and should not sit idly by while the regime in Asmara continues to sponsor acts of terror within Ethiopia's territory with impunity," the statement said.

"It should be made clear that Ethiopia has the right to defend itself and it will do so if necessary," said the statement.

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