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South African's ANC expels youth leader

Xinhua | Updated: 2012-03-01 09:52

CAPE TOWN - The ruling African National Congress (ANC) on Wednesday expelled its youth league leader Julius Malema from the party for sowing division in the party ranks.

After a lengthy discussion, the ANC's prosecutors decided to aggravate Malema's five-year suspension from the ANC to expulsion, party sources said.

The prosecutors rejected Malema's request for his five-year suspension from the party to be reduced.

But the ANC allows Malema to appeal to the party's National Disciplinary Committee of Appeal (NDCA) to overturn the decision. If he fails, the ANC's National Executive Committee can review the verdict and expulsion.

Malema and five other top officials of the ANC Youth League were suspended from the ANC in November last year for dishonoring the ANC by opposing its policies.

Malema called for nationalizing mines to use the benefits to serve the vast majority of people who still live in poverty after nearly 20 years since apartheid was brought to an end.

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