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DR Congo PM resigns

Xinhua | Updated: 2012-03-07 09:34

KINSHASA - Adolphe Muzito, prime minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), has rendered resignation to President Joseph Kabila ahead of the formation of a new government, according to an official communique released on Tuesday.

The resignation is a matter of procedure under the Constitution after the legislative election in the Central African country, which held both the presidential and legislative polls on November 28, 2011.

Muzito declared his resignation after talks with the head of state, saying he enjoys having accomplished essential missions assigned to his government.

The achievements include the end of war, the restoration of the state authority throughout the territory, macro-economic stability, the improvement of the value of the domestic value and the resumption of ties with international economic community, Muzito said.

"We have cut the debt of the Republic from $14 billion to $4 billion," he declared.

The progress has enabled "us to fulfill the conditions so that our bilateral and multilateral partners (further) reduce our debt. This offers to the Republic a grand possibility of debt relief," he said.

In reference to the statistics from the international financial community, Muzito said the new regime with President Kabila since 2000 has contributed to the increase of national riches from 5 billion dollars to 22 billion dollars.

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