World / Europe

Oil spilled into Russian river in Siberia

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-06-28 15:30

IRKUTSK, Russia - A three to four meters wide and up to four kilometers long oil slick was discovered in the Angara River in Siberia, RIA Novosti news agency quoted the Angarsk Municipality Administration as reporting.

Presumably, the oil spill was caused by an excavator and a self-propelled barge which were extracting gravel in the Krivaya Creek. An oil slick of about 100 meters in diameter was seen around the barge, the Angarsk Municipality Administration said.

According to Rassia's Ministry of Emergency(EMERCOM), there is no threat of polluting the water supply system of Angarsk city, because the spill locates lower than the water intake line.

However, the pollution must be immediately localized  and eliminated. The oil slick is now in the creek where the water almost motionlessly stays, but if the water level of the Angara River rises, petrochemicals would flow into the mainstream and water intakes of Usolye-Sibirskoye as well as other villages in the area.

Containment booms are installed on the river, absorbent is being used. A special commission consists of specialists from the Angarsk Municipality Administration, State Inspection of Small Vehicles and the Russian consumer rights protection service institute Rospotrebnadzor in Angarsk city and Angarsk district set off to inspect the oil spill area.

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