World / Europe

Euroscience Open Forum kicks off in Dublin

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-07-12 10:41

DUBLIN - Over 500 of the world's top scientists gathered in Dublin on Wednesday for the five-day Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) 2012, the biggest general science conference in Europe.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Irish President Michael D. Higgins hoped the forum could help people "fully utilize our creativity in all its forms."

Patrick Cunningham, the government's chief scientific advisor and chairman of the forum, said the forum has four intercontinental partnerships, including on the city of the future with China, on the Atlantic as a shared resource with North America, on science for development with Africa, with the Asian countries on boosting cooperation in science.

Over 150 debates and seminars will take place in the next four days on topics such as math, food and climate change. Keynote speakers include five Nobel Prize laureates.

The forum is aimed at strengthening links between science and society, enhancing the public's awareness and interest in science.

The biennial forum had been held in Stockholm, Munich, Barcelona and Turin. In 2008, Dublin was awarded to host the forum.

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