World / Middle East

China worries spillover effect from Syrian

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-09-03 18:16

BEIJING - A Foreign Ministry spokesman on Monday expressed deep concern over a possible spillover of violence from the ongoing Syrian crisis.

"We are very concerned about the increasingly severe armed conflicts and deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria and the swarming of large numbers of refugees into neighboring countries, which have made the spillover effect of the crisis even more prominent, " Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said.

Under the current circumstances, concerned parties should continue to search for a political resolution, said Hong.

"We urge all relevant parties in Syria to immediately cease fire, implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions and Annan's six-point proposal, as well as the communique from the foreign ministers' meeting of the Action Group on the Syrian issue, so as to initiate and promote a Syrian-led political transition at an early date," said the spokesman.

Hong called on the international community to support the meditation efforts of the new UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi and engage all Syrian parties in a balanced way in order to end the violence in Syria as soon as possible.

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