World / Europe

French FinMin reiterates support to Greece

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-09-14 13:42

ATHENS - Visiting French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici on Thursday voiced France's support to Greece's efforts to address the debt crisis and stay in the European common currency zone.

"We  want Greece to remain a member of the eurozone and we are determined to keep the eurozone as it is," Moscovici told the press after meetings with Greek government officials.

He added that he was conveying to Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and the Greek people the message that France strongly supports Greece.

He stressed that Athens in return must keep its commitments vis-a-vis necessary reforms to international lenders who in return have kept Greece afloat with multi-billion euro aid packages since 2010.

"Greece needs to proceed with the reforms. The Greek government moves forward with determination. The effort is difficult, but necessary and there is hope," Moscovici said.

Moscovici is the first French finance minister to visit Greece since 1998. On Friday, he will participate in the informal Eurogroup meeting in Nicosia with his Greek counterpart Yannis Stournaras.

On the sidelines of their meeting, according to local media reports, Stournaras rejected media reports saying Greece needs a third bailout deal or a second "haircut" of its state debt.

Greece is currently seeking to finalize an austerity package for 2013-2014 with EU/IMF representatives in Athens to secure the next tranche of rescue loans this autumn.

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