World / Asia-Pacific

Mekong River attack suspects' trial opens

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-09-20 09:13

Naw Kham, dubbed "Godfather" for running one of the most notorious armed drug rings on the section of the Mekong River near the China-Myanmar-Laos borders, was sent to China via a chartered plane in May.

"It is uncommon in China's judicial practice for foreigners who commit crimes against Chinese nationals outside China to be brought to justice before a Chinese court," Dong Lin, vice president of the Intermediate People's Court of Kunming City, told media before the trial.

Li Ruokun, deputy procurator of the Yunnan Provincial People's Procuratorate, said the trial showed China's resolution to severely punish cross-border crimes and to protect the legitimate rights of its citizens.

According to the bill of indictment presented by prosecutors, a large amount of evidence, including DNA test results, autopsy reports and witness testimonies, will be produced before the court during the trial.

With a length of almost 5,000 km, the Mekong River, known in China as the Lancang River, is one of the most important waterways in southeast Asia, linking the countries of China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. It plays a crucial economic role among the Greater Mekong Sub-region countries.

Mekong River attack suspects' trial opens 

Suspects of last year's deadly attack on the Mekong River that left 13 Chinese sailors killed are on trial at the Kunming Intermediate People's Court in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan province, Sept 20, 2012. Naw Kham from Myanmar, along with five other gang members, faced trial at the court. [Photo/Xinhua] 


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