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China calls for immediate start of intra-Syrian dialogue

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-02-23 04:50

MOSCOW - China calls for an immediate start of intra-Syrian talks in accordance with the Geneva agreements reached by world powers, visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said here on Friday.

China urges all relevant parties to stop violence and launch the dialogue as soon as possible, adopt a flexible and pragmatic attitude on issues such as working out a roadmap for the political transition in Syria and establishing a transitional governing body, Yang told reporters here following a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

China hopes that a generally-acceptable solution could be reached to fully reflect the will of the Syrian people, and that the war-torn Middle East country could restore peace and stability soon, said the minister.

He added that China strongly opposes all forms of terrorism in the Middle East region, and deeply regrets the huge civilian casualties caused by the latest Damascus bomb attack. He also expressed China's grave concerns over attacks targeting foreign diplomatic missions in Syria.

A bomb attack killed at least 53 people and injured scores of others on Thursday in central Damascus. It also damaged the nearby Russian embassy buildings.

According to the top Chinese diplomat, China believes that the aim and principles of the UN Charter, as well as the norms governing international relations, should be honored and observed while addressing global and regional hot-spot issues.

The 23-month Syrian conflict has left more than 70,000 people dead, according to the United Nations.

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