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Australian govt urged to charge a congestion tax

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-03-13 11:01

CANBERRA - Australian government should charge a congestion tax from motorists to encourage healthier transport options, a latest report on transportation said on Wednesday.

According to the report, "if significant changes are not made to the way Australians travel, congestion will be worse, and cost the economy even more in 2030 than it does now." The report also said any money raised from congestion charges should be invested in public transport, cycle paths and other better mobility options.

The report, Moving Australia 2030, released today and conducted by the Moving Australia 2030 Taskforce, calls for a trial of congestion taxes accompanied by an education campaign to publicly explain why it's needed.

Members of the taskforce include the Australian Local Government Association, the Australian Logistics Council, Australian Railway Association, Bus Industry Confederation, Cycling Promotion Fund, National Heart Foundation, International Public Transport Association and the Planning Institute of Australia.

They want governments at all levels to introduce policies that would mean a third of all passenger trips are taken via public transport, walking or cycling by 2030. By then, the group would also like to see passenger transport carbon emissions halved from 2000 levels and fuel consumption cut by 30 per cent.

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