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C. African Republic rebels in capital, France sends troops

Agencies | Updated: 2013-03-24 10:55

No threat to French citizens

Seleka, a loose umbrella group of insurgents, fought its way to the gates of the capital late last year after accusing Bozize of failing to honor an earlier peace deal to give its fighters cash and jobs in exchange for laying down their arms.

The violence is the latest in a series of rebel incursions, clashes and coups that have plagued the landlocked nation in the heart of Africa since its independence from France in 1960.

France, which already has some 250 soldiers stationed in the Central African Republic, sent in another company of 150 troops to secure Bangui's international airport, a diplomatic source said.

"We have asked our citizens to remain at home. For the time being, there is nothing to be worried about," said the source. "There is no direct threat to our citizens at the moment."    

The airport, close to the heart of the capital, would be an important exit point for France's 1,200 citizens who live in CAR, mostly in Bangui.

South Africa has sent some 400 soldiers to train Bozize's army, joining hundreds of peacekeepers from the Central African regional bloc. Regional peacekeeping sources said the South Africans had fought alongside the Central African Republic's army.  

State radio had announced late on Friday that South Africa would boost its troop presence after Bozize met his South African counterpart Jacob Zuma in Pretoria.

Captain Zamo Sithole, senior operations communications officer at South Africa's National Defence Force said: "We are there in the CAR to protect our properties there, and our troops there."

A South African Defence Ministry spokesman declined to comment.

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