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Syria: Israeli attack opens door to all eventualities

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-05-06 03:26

DAMASCUS - The Syrian government said Sunday that Israel's attack against positions of the Syrian army earlier in the day "opens the door widely before all eventualities."

The comments came in a statement read out by Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi after an emergency cabinet meeting.

While branding the attack targeting the Syrian army with rockets as "flagrant," the statement did not overtly speak of any possible responses to the attack.

"Syria is a state that does not waver and does not accept humiliation and will not accept its sovereignty to be infringed upon either at home or abroad," al-Zoubi said, warning that those who mess with Syria's sovereignty must carefully study their options and shoulder the responsibility.

"Syria is committed to the option of resistance and whoever thinks that Syria can be breakable is wrong and mistaken

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