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US nuclear envoy to visit S Korea next week

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-05-08 15:51

SEOUL - The United States' nuclear envoy Glyn Davies will visit Republic of Korea next week ,Yonhap News Agency reported on Wednesday.

US special representative on Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) policy Glyn Davies will meet with his ROK counterpart Lim Sung-nam and other officials in Seoul, said Yonhap.

He will exchange views on the Korean Peninsula with Lim Sung- nam and discuss issues related to the DPRK, the agency cited a diplomatic source as reporting.

However, the source didn't disclose any further detail.

ROK president Park Geun-hye arrived in New York on Sunday to begin her visit to the United States, her first overseas trip as president.

She met with US President Barack Obama on Tuesday at the White House, who reaffirmed security commitment to South Korea after talks with Park.

In their joint appearance before reporters, both Obama and Park called on the DPRK to take meaningful steps in return for engagement and assistance.

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