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Israeli airstrikes hit Gaza

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-06-24 16:45

GAZA -- Israeli war jets on Monday morning launched a series of airstrikes on militants' targets in the Gaza Strip ruled by Islamic Hamas movement in response to rocket attacks. No injuries reported.

Palestinian witnesses and Hamas rulers said that Israeli F16 warplanes struck out missiles on a military camp of Islamic Jihad militant group in Rafah town and two other open areas in west of Khan Younis, adding that no injuries or damage were reported.

Israeli radio reported that Israeli air force struck on early Monday arms depots and rocket launching site in response to six rockets fired towards towns in southern Israel overnight.

Raed Fattouh, the Palestinian liaison officer in charge of commercial crossings between Israel and Gaza, said in a press statement that Israel sealed off the two crossings in response to rockets fire.

Late Sunday, militants fired several rockets into Israel. The attacks came following tension between Hamas and the smaller Islamic Jihad movement.

No one claimed responsibility for the rockets firing.

However, sources said that Islamic Jihad militants fired the rockets to retaliate the death of a colleague at the hands of Hamas' police.

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