World / Europe

China opposes undermining Iranian nuclear talks

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-02-19 11:17

VIENNA -- China opposes any party in applying confrontation or pressure to undermine the atmosphere of negotiations at the Iranian nuclear talks, said Li Baodong, head of China's delegation to the talks, in Vienna, the Austrian capital, Tuesday.

Iran and the P5+1, including the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, on Tuesday started the new round of talks in Vienna.

The new round of the Iranian nuclear talk is faced with difficulties, and the constructive atmosphere doesn't come easy, all sides should promote the talks positively, said Li, who is also China's vice foreign minister. He also urged Iran to take substantive steps to curb its nuclear program, while the six major powers should ease relevant sanctions in return.

While speaking to the reporters ahead of the P5+1 negotiations early Tuesday, Li stressed all sides involved should make efforts to resolve the issue with courage, flexibility and mutual respect through the diplomatic channel.

Last November, the P5+1 and Iran reached the first step interim agreement, which came into effect on January 20. Under the agreement, Iran suspended the most sensitive parts of its nuclear activities in exchange for partial relief of the sanctions slapped on it.

"Based on the first step, a big step forward is needed," said Li, explaining the new round of the talks is important as it's the start of the negotiations for a comprehensive deal on the issue, as the content of the interim deal is limited and would expire in less than six months.

China has been always playing an active and a constructive role in the talks to promote the deal as soon as possible, Li said.


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