World / Middle East

Proof hints Turkey PM trying to interfere judiciary

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-03-04 17:14

Proof hints Turkey PM trying to interfere judiciary

Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan addresses members of parliament from his ruling AK Party (AKP) during a meeting at the Turkish parliament in Ankara Feb 25, 2014. [Photo/Agencies]

ANKARA - A new voice recording leaked on Internet disclosed that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan allegedly tried to influence the legal process in a case against a media boss, local Today's Zaman reported Tuesday.

In the recording, the Prime Minister allegedly put pressure to the justice minister, trying to persuade him to convict Aydin Dogan, who owns some TV channels and newspapers that are critical of the government.

Erdogan was heard to ask the justice minister to carry out the case with determination as it was very crucial for the Capital Markets Board which was investigating Dogan's companies over alleged tax evasion and unfair market practices.

Turkish Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin responded in the audio that he would use his influence to get things done.

Last Monday, Turks were shocked by the leaked audio recordings that revealed an alleged conversation between Erdogan and his son Bilal on how to hide large sums of cash just after a graft probe launched on December 17, 2013.

However, the prime minister immediately denied the authenticity of the recording, saying that these tapes were fabricated technically and were "immoral product of montage and completely false."

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