World / Europe

China calls for political resolution to Ukraine crisis

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-03-14 09:01
UNITED NATIONS - A Chinese envoy stressed on Thursday that the ongoing Ukraine crisis should be resolved through political and diplomatic means so as to avoid further escalation of the tension.

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China calls for political resolution to Ukraine crisis
Ukraine crisis

Liu Jieyi, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, made the remarks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in Ukraine.

"China has been following closely the development of the situation on the ground," which remains "highly complex and sensitive," said Liu.

"What we are seeing today in Ukraine is the result of a complex intertwinement of historical and contemporary factors," he said, adding that China condemns the recent extreme and violent acts there.

The envoy stressed China's objective and fair position on the Ukraine issue.

It is China's long-standing position not to interfere in others' internal affairs and respect others' sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said.

"It is the first priority for all parties concerned to exercise calm and restraint and prevent further escalation of the tension," Liu said, insisting that a solution be found "through political and diplomatic means", while the legitimate rights and interests of all ethnic groups in Ukraine be fully ensured.

"We hope that all parties concerned would appropriately tackle the differences through communication and coordination in the fundamental interests of all ethnic groups in Ukraine and the overall interests of regional peace and stability," he said.

China supports the constructive efforts and good offices of the international community to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine, and is open to any proposals and suggestions that could help ease the tension, the envoy added.

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