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Mauritius to help search for flight MH370

Xinhua | Updated: 2014-03-18 16:36

Mauritius to help search for flight MH370

PORT LOUIS - Mauritius has expressed willingness to help in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared in mysterious circumstances on March 8 with 239 passengers on board.

Mauritian Foreign Minister Arvin Boolell made the offer following the theory advanced by authorities that the plane could have been flown towards the Indian Ocean after disappearing from the radars.

He said until now, neither his office nor that of the prime minister has received a request for assistance from the Malaysian authorities.

He said Mauritius cannot be "indifferent" to the difficult circumstances that Malaysia is going through.

In Mauritius, just like elsewhere across the world, there are varied theories, with some speculating that the plane could have fallen into the Indian Ocean.

According to Michael Atchia, a Mauritian academic, the plane could have landed at the U.S. base in Diego Garcia island or near the areas near the Chagos archipelago.

Flight MH370, a Boeing 777-200ER, was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing carrying 12 crew and 227 passengers, including 154 Chinese, when it disappeared. Ten days later, mystery remains surrounding the disappearance of the plane.

Mauritius to help search for flight MH370
Mauritius to help search for flight MH370

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