World / Europe

China calls for calm, restraint in Ukraine

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-04-14 18:54

BEIJING -- China called on relevant parties in Ukraine to keep calm and exercise restraint, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Monday.

China urged all sides in Ukraine to fully consider the legitimate interests and concerns of all regions and all ethnic groups, and seek a way out through political dialogue, spokeswoman Hua Chunying said when asked to comment on a conflict in eastern Ukraine's Slavyansk that caused two deaths.

China backs relevant parties to continue talks and consultation and will further push forward a political resolution to the crisis, Hua told a daily news briefing.

A security officer and a pro-Russia activist were killed Sunday during a raid launched by Ukrainian special forces in Slavyansk, where pro-Russia gunmen seized police and security services buildings a day earlier.

China calls for calm, restraint in Ukraine
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