World / Asia-Pacific

Repeated calling for further enhancing US-Japan alliance concerns

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-05-31 20:41

SINGAPORE - China and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region are concerned about the further consolidation of US-Japan alliance which has been mentioned again and again in a lot of international, multilateral events including the ongoing Shangri-La Dialogue, a senior Chinese officer said here Saturday.

The remarks were made by Wang Guanzhong, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) who leads the Chinese delegation at here the meeting, after US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel made a speech at the meeting in which he made groundless accusations against China.

Hagel in his speech also outlined Washington's security priorities in partnership with its allies, claiming to strengthen ties between its allies and "enhance their joint capabilities".

Moreover, the US defense secretary mentioned a lot of military deployments and military transactions in the Asia-Pacific region for "regional stability" during his speech.

He also supported Japan in releasing its so-called collective self-defense right, and reclaimed again the US position that the disputed Diaoyu Islands are under the mutual defense treaty with Japan.

In response, Wang said military alliance is an old concept dating backing to the 20th century. "It can not be taken into the 21st century, especially the second decade in the 21st century," he stressed.

Wang also highlighted that military alliance is rather an obstacle than an impetus for regional and global stability. " Countries in the Asia Pacific region are all deeply concerned about the US-Japan alliance, especially the continual consolidation for this alliance," said Wang.

Oh Ei Sun, senior research fellow at Nanyang Technology University of Singapore and former political secretary to the Malaysian prime minister, commented that more weapons and military resources may not be useful for the regional stability and security.

Instead, regional security arrangements, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and ASEAN Regional Forum, should be enhanced, said Oh.

China is also deeply concerned about enhanced US-Japan military alliance, said Wang.

"China develops our own military force with the priorities in defending our own peaceful development, state sovereignty and territorial integrity," said Wang, adding that China is well prepared to any change in the regional security situation.

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